25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (2024)

‘Tis the season for classroom Valentines, and we’ve rounded up 25 of the best DIY kids Valentines Day cards and ideas that they’ll be proud to hand out at school! Don’t let Valentine’s Day sneak up on you this year– be prepared with these creative kids valentine’s day cards that everyone will be excited to receive.

If you have a kiddo in your family who loves buildilng, they’ll go crazy for these free printable LEGO Valentines cards and our free printable Minecraft valentines too!

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (1)

Classroom Valentine’s Day cards sure have come a long way since I was in school! And as much as I love heading over to Target and grabbing a set for the class and calling it a day, sometimes the kids ask for something a little more. They’re at the perfect age to make these class valentines themselves, so I’m happy to let them go for it. I have to say, I would love to get just about all of these in my mailbox… er, and by ‘mailbox’ I mean a shoebox covered in tissue paper and stickers, the happiest kind of mailbox in all the land.

Most Pinned Class Valentines

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (2)

You can’t go wrong with gummy bear valentines. These are available in two different sizes to accommodateboth the small pre-packaged gummy bears found on Amazon and the regular bags found at your local grocery or convenience store.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (3)

These sports valentines are a big hit! Pair them with a small ball and some netting, and you’ll have adorable valentines that kids will go crazy for.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (4)

The play-doh valentines from Grace and Good Eats are hugely popular. With more than 78k pins, you know this will be a great choice for your kiddos.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (5)

Our LEGO valentines are a great option for both boys and girls. Most kids have LEGOs and can simply add these to their collections.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (6)

Use Goldfish or Swedish fish with these sweet “Of all the fish in the sea” valentines.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (7)

These Finding Dory valentines are the cutest things you’ll see all day!

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (8)

Minecraft and gaming fans will love these free printable Minecraft Valentine’s Day cards.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (9)

You color my world valentines are perfect for preschoolers and kindergarteners. And if you’ve stocked up on crayons while they’re on sale, it’s a really affordable option, too.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (10)

Love bug valentines are cute, but these paired with the pom pom love bugs, and you’re on cuteness overload. Of course, you can use the printables with plastic toy bugs if that’s easier for you.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (11)

Speaking of love bugs, you’re going to LOVE these gummy worm valentines. They’re made to fit snack-sized bags.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (12)

Pair these Super Mario valentines with a piece of chocolate or a small toy. Kids of all ages love Mario!

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (13)

If you’re looking for something a bit different than the traditional candy or paper valentine, these friendship rocks are a great choice! Aren’t they cute?

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (14)

Ring pops are such a fun option! These printable ring top valentines from The Gracious Wife are easy to put together.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (15)

I apologize now for getting the song stuck in your head, but if you have a child in playgroup or preschool, you have to make these baby shark valentines. Doo doodoo doo doo!

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (16)

Buy a big bag of Starburst candies to make these cute and practical Starburst valentines. This is a very affordable option if you have several kids in school. Her Valentine’s Day lunchbox jokes are also super cute!

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (17)

Arrr, matey! Pair these pirate valentines with some chocolate coins to make a splash at your next Valentine’s Day party.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (18)

If you’d like to provide a healthier option for the kids, buy some cuties and print these “You’re a cutie” valentines. So adorable!

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (19)

Kids will find this unicorn poop valentineabsolutely hilarious!

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (20)

Bubble valentines are another fun non-candy option for the classroom.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (21)

My kid would settle for nothing else once I showed him these ninja valentines. He can’t wait to give them out!

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (22)

Gather funny glasses from a party supply store or cheap sunnies from Amazon to make these clever glasses valentines.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (23)

Does your kid have Pokemon fever? These Pokeball valentines will sure put a smile on those little faces.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (24)

Yo, yo, yo, these yo-yo valentines are a great option for boys and girls.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (25)

Rawr! What kid doesn’t love dinos? Pair these dinosaur valentines printables with those budget-friendly plastic dinosaurs for the coolest valentines ever.

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (26)

Make these Star Wars valentines and you’ll be the greatest mom in the galaxy!

Oh, valentines. You’ve come a long way from the paper punchouts, baby.

Which DIY classroom valentines were your favorite?

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (27)

25 Creative Classroom Valentines Ideas for Kids - Making Lemonade (2024)


How to make a simple Valentine gift? ›

Your take on homemade Valentine's gifts might mean an easy craft (anything heart-shaped will do), a sweet treat (think chocolates, pink candies or homemade donuts) or a DIY Valentine's Day card. Whatever your style, this roundup proves it's easier than expected to make your own presents.

What is a fun fact for kids about valentines Day? ›

Fun V-Day Facts

Around 60% of Valentine's Day cards and gifts are purchased in the 5-6 days before the holiday! The people who receive the most valentines each year are teachers! Wives, partners, and school children are close behind. Men spend around twice as much on Valentine's Day than women do.

What do kids like for Valentine's Day? ›

“Chocolates are a Valentine's Day classic and I'm sure most kids will be excited to get a box all to themselves,” says Flood. “If you want to give chocolates, do it in a way they'll remember like creating a scavenger hunt to find the box.”

What is Secret Valentine's? ›

Celebrate Galentine's Day with a Valentine's Secret Santa for the true loves in your life: your besties! Draw names online and find the perfect gift for your Secret Cupid. Who will be your Valentine's Secret Santa? Start a Secret Valentine gift exchange, spread the love and find out.

What is a nice Valentine's day quote? ›

I fell in love with you because of all the small things you don't even realize you're doing. Thank you for making me laugh and smile every single day since the day we met. Like you and me, some things are just meant to be. Here are all the ways I'm a better person because of you.

Do kids still do Valentines in school? ›

Most teachers and etiquette experts we spoke with indicated that it is usually recommended to give every student in the classroom a valentine, especially if your child is passing them out at school.

What to sell on Valentine's Day at school? ›

When planning a Valentine's Day fundraiser, you likely think of chocolates and roses. Flowers are a staple of this popular holiday. Roses are arguably the most popular flower you can start selling at your school. Nearly 28% of adults purchase flowers for a loved one or partner on Valentine's Day.

What are the three most common gifts during Valentine's Day? ›

If you're unsure about what to get your special someone for Valentine's Day, the survey says that the most traditional gifts are the most desired: 48% want a nice dinner at a restaurant. 34% want chocolates. 31% want flowers.

Do parents give kids valentines gifts? ›

Yes, giving your child a Valentine's Day card or treat is a lovely thing to do. Those who include their children in Valentine's Day tend to go all out on presents and special meals and messages of caring and kindness. "We have little presents and special dinner," says Stephanie M. "My little boy calls it Love Day."

Should you celebrate Valentine's Day with your kids? ›

Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to teach children the value of expressing love and appreciation for others. Also, celebrating Valentine's Day with your children can create special memories and traditions that will last a lifetime, and these traditions can become an annual part of your family's celebrations.

Do you get your kids gifts for valentines Day? ›

Valentine's Day is all about celebrating love. For many kids, exchanging cards with friends and family is a treasured tradition. For others, baking cookies or preparing a special breakfast is the highlight of the day. And gifts—though totally optional—can make the holiday especially fun.

Should kids celebrate Valentine's Day? ›

Valentine's Day can be a wonderful holiday for kids to celebrate in the classroom. It not only gives them an opportunity to be creative, but it also teaches them how to be inclusive and friendly to all of their classmates. Done right, it can highlight the importance of friendship, kindness, acceptance, and more.

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.