5 Easy To Make Raw Dog Food Recipes - Dogs Naturally (2024)

Commercial pre-made raw diets are popular for one simple reason. They’re easy.

You don’t need to figure out the calcium:phosphorus ratio. Or the percentage of muscle meat vs secreting and non-secreting organs. Or what you should include for fruit and vegetables. And the good news is there are several good commercial raw food companies in the marketplace.

But for others, pre-made raw isn’t affordable or they want to try making meals themselves. Maybe your favorite brands just aren’t available in all parts of the country.

Whatever the reason, dog owners like you want totally balanced raw dog food recipes. Recipes with all the measurements and accessible ingredients. Recipes that include the right balance of meat, bones, organ meats and produce.

You want to make your own dog food to solve problems, not create them. And making your own dog food is the perfect way to do that. Here are just some benefits …

Take Control Of Your Dog’s Diet With Homemade Raw

When you make your own raw dog food, you get more control. You can …

  • Address special needs and allergies
  • Quickly adjust your dog’s diet for different life stages
  • Control the source of your ingredients
  • Avoid commercial food recalls
  • Enjoy better budgeting and bulk buying ability

And making your own raw food is taking a huge step towards better health for your dog. Dogs of all ages … from puppies to seniors … are healthier on a raw food diet.

Here are just some health benefits.

  • Improved digestion
  • Healthier skin and coat
  • Better dental health
  • Reduced allergy symptoms
  • Firmer stools
  • Weight management

My Story

When I switched to raw many years ago I had another reason. I wanted to know what was in my dogs’ food. The internet was a new research tool. Instead of finding out how to feed, I found out what not to feed. I stumbled onto horror stories about what was going into kibble. It disgusted me. I was more determined than ever to feed raw.

The ingredient list on the bag didn’t help either. There were a lot of chemicals, “meals” and other mystery ingredients. They disguised waste turned into dog food. Sadly, not much has changed in 20 years.
When I started feeding home prepared raw to my pups, I could ignore every dog food recall. And there were many serious ones. I knew what I was putting in their bowls.

Without further delay, let’s take a look at some easy recipes so you can take control of your dog’s health. Just choose the foods that work for you and your dog. The calculations are done for you.

RELATED: How to balance calcium in your dog’s homemade meals …

5 Simple Raw Food Recipes

These are 5 of our best homemade dog food recipes. Make and serve them right away or freeze them in individual servings.

Some recipes have bone, some have a calcium supplement. Some recipes are for adult dogs. Some are for all life stages. That means you can feed those to puppies too. And they all meet The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) minimum requirements.

I’m excited to share these recipes with you: beef, chicken, turkey, fish, pork and … rabbit. Yes rabbit. You can get several meals out of it for a 50 pound dog.

Let’s start with a beef and chicken recipe. These are the most common proteins fed to dogs.

1. Beef & Chicken Neck Dog Food Recipe: With Bone – All Life Stages

Puppies love to chew. Anyone who’s lost a good leather shoe to a puppy’s teething frenzy will understand. That’s what makes this recipe perfect for puppies.

Chicken necks give puppies a little … or a lot to chew. You decide. Plus there’s the right amount of calcium to balance this recipe for a growing puppy. And it’s balanced for adult dogs too.

This recipe gives you the option of grinding chicken necks into the meat mixture. Or you can grind in some of the necks. Then feed the rest whole. Most puppies are able to work through chicken necks. And larger dogs will love these crunchy treats throughout the day as well.

Worried about giving your puppy bones? No need … replace chicken necks with bone meal. Locally sourced, food grade bone meal is best. Bone meal is also available through online retailers.

Caution: Don’t use bone meal that you see in garden centers or hardware stores. It can contain added fertilizers and chemical stabilizers that can be toxic to your dog.

Ready to get started? Here’s the full recipe:


If you’re adding an omega-3 supplement to your dog’s diet, add it at meal time. This will help balance your dog’s fatty acids without the risk of the oil going rancid.

2. Rabbit, Chicken & Beef Dog Food Recipe: With Bone – Adult

Rabbit is a novel protein. That means it’s not a meat that’s commonly fed. It’s a good choice when you’re looking for a protein other than beef and chicken.

Rabbit can also be great for dogs with food sensitivities. And it can be used as part of an elimination diet to identify what your dog is sensitive to. During the elimination diet, you remove the proteins your dog usually eats, and feed a single novel protein like rabbit. But if you’re feeding rabbit for this reason, you don’t want to feed it with eggs or organs from other animals. In that case, restrict your dog’s diet to rabbit alone and monitor your dog’s reaction.

And rabbit also has benefits for other dogs as well. It’s a very lean meat plus it’s higher in protein than chicken, pork, turkey, fish or beef. And it’s sustainable. It’s true that rabbits reproduce quickly and they need less food and water compared to other animals. They’ll produce six pounds of meat eating the same amount as a cow needs to produce one pound of beef

You can feed rabbit in pieces to your dog or use a nice sharp cleaver and a deliberate swing to chop it. You can also feed it whole … your dog will figure out what to do. To add texture you can grind the rabbit and add chopped organs. Some dogs don’t like chunks while others don’t mind.

Here is the full recipe:

3. Pork & Fish Dog Food Recipe: With Calcium Supplement – Adult

Feeding pork is a great addition to your dog’s raw diet. Pork has great advantages. It’s very digestible. If it’s pasture raised, it’s higher in omega-3 fatty acids than factory-farmed meat. And it has more vitamins, especially vitamin E.

But pork diets can be hard to formulate. That’s because they’re quite high in omega-6 fatty acids. That’s why you want to add fish … to help balance out the fats.

Whole fish is a great addition to your dog’s diet and this recipe. It’s high in omega-3 fats and contains important nutrients like protein, calcium, selenium and niacin.

Add sardines fresh, frozen or canned. They pack a nutritional punch. Mackerel are also a good option.

Here’s the full recipe:

4. Raw Boneless Turkey & Egg Dog Food Recipe: All Life Stages

Eggs are an easy addition to your dog’s raw food diet. If you can get free-range eggs, even better. Most supermarkets carry them now. But I’m still wary. Some egg cartons proudly proclaim “Vegetarian Diet.” Chickens are not vegetarian. You want eggs from free-range hens allowed to hunt and peck outside for worms and bugs.

To be sure, I get mine from farmers’ markets or directly from the farm. I’ll take a drive through the countryside looking for farms. Those with laying hens often have a simple sign saying “Eggs For Sale.” Drive in, leave your money and take your eggs.

Now you’re ready for this easy combination of turkey, organs and eggs.

Here’s the full recipe:

5. Raw Boneless Beef & Egg Dog Food Recipe: All Life Stages

Beef and egg combine for another simple recipe. Visit your butcher for beef heart and liver. Buy it by the organ or the pound. And don’t be surprised by the size … cows are pretty big animals.


When sourcing organs for recipes, buy enough to make several batches. Measure and grind or chop what’s needed for future recipes. Label with the name of the recipe, date, contents and weight. Then freeze. It will be easy to add the organs to your fresh ingredients when you’re ready for the next batch.

This recipe is boneless so you’ll need to add a supplement. Bone meal will supply the extra minerals puppies need. Give adult dogs bone meal or seaweed calcium.

[HINT: You can also try adding powdered bone to your dog’s meals. Visit the Natural Dog Store to buy our grass-fed bone powder.]

Caution: Seaweed calcium has higher bioavailability so do not give it to puppies.

Here’s the full recipe:

Raw Recipes Meet AAFCO Requirements

The ingredients in these five recipes have been carefully chosen to meet AAFCO minimum nutrition requirements for adult dogs. Where indicated, recipes are balanced for all life stages including puppies.

How Much To Feed

Adult dogs should eat about 2-3% of their ideal body weight daily in raw food. So, if your dog’s ideal weight is 50 lbs, 1 to 1.5 pounds of food a day is good. If your dog’s really active, you may want to give him a little more. If he enjoys lounging more than a good game of fetch, you may want to feed a bit less. You can also adjust the amount you’re feeding if your dog begins losing or gaining weight. That’s about as scientific as it gets.

Puppies should eat 2-3% of their ideal adult weight. A puppy might weigh 15 lbs right now, but his ideal adult weight could be 50 lbs. You’ll want to be feeding for that future weight, not the current weight. With that amount of food, you’ll want to split it into 3 meals a day. Feed this way until 6 months old. Some puppies will wean themselves off of 3 meals earlier or later than 6 months. Adult feedings are usually 1-2 times a day.

Now you’ve got a good collection of raw dog food recipes with lots of variety.

But before you head off to the store with your shopping list, there’s one last thing you may want to know …

How To Choose The Best Ingredients

Now that you know what you want to make … it’s time to put together a shopping list and do some sourcing.

The staple of your dog’s diet is meat. Some dog owners will be lucky enough to have a local farmer, meat processor or abattoir nearby. But supermarket meats are ok too. Knowing your butcher or farmer makes it easier to get a selection of organs and various types of meat.

When choosing meat, the fat content should be between 10% and 20%. Packaged meat should say 80%, 85% or 90% lean. The fat content is the remaining amount … so 20%, 15% or 10%. That’s what you need to look for.

As well as meat, you’ll need a selection of organs for these recipes. I’ve built up a rapport with my butcher so I can text and have him put organs aside. Then I don’t have to worry about him selling out if I can’t get there.

Buy the best quality meat, poultry, eggs and produce you can afford. Remember, this is a long-term commitment so you want to stay within your means. At the top end of the scale are free range, grass-fed or organic meats. They’ll be free of antibiotics and growth hormones and raised on pastures in the fresh air.

Avoid genetically-modified products (GMO) as much as possible. So look for organic produce. Organic means it has been grown without the use of harmful pesticides or GMO seeds. The cleaner the food, the better it is for your dog’s health.

It isn’t necessary to make these changes all at once. After all, making your own raw dog food is a big step. Make small changes when you can. Eventually it becomes second nature.

Now it’s time to get started with homemade raw. And you’re sure to have tasters standing by, eager to try some samples.

Want more nutritious homemade dog food recipes? …

  • Chicken and oyster adult dog food recipe
  • Beef and broccoli adult dog food recipe
5 Easy To Make Raw Dog Food Recipes - Dogs Naturally (2024)


How to make your own complete raw dog food? ›

Take any meat (chicken, beef, lamb, pork, whatever) minced or diced. Grate raw vegetables into it (anything but potato) so that it is roughly 2⁄3 meat and 1⁄3 vegetable (if you prefer, you can put the vegetable through a food processor). Get some meaty bones from the butcher and give your dog one every day or two.

What is the best mix for raw dog food? ›

Generally, we suggest feeding 80% meat and offal with 20% fruits and vegetables. Alternatively, if you'd like to add some carbohydrates, we'd recommend feeding around 60% meat and offal with 20% fruits and vegetables and 20% carbohydrate.

How to create a balanced raw diet for dogs? ›

Variation is key
  1. 70% lean muscle meat from various sources.
  2. 10% organs including at least 4% liver.
  3. 10% bone with accompanying cartilage.
  4. 10% plant matter and other healthy ingredients.

What is the formula for raw food for dogs? ›

BARF Model Ratio Guidelines. The recommended guidelines for a BARF diet consists of 70% muscle meat, 10% raw edible bone, 7% vegetables, 5% liver, 5% other secreting organ, 2% seeds or nuts, and 1% fruit.

What is the ratio of meat to vegetables in homemade dog food? ›

The general rule of thumb for a home-made diet for a healthy canine patient is 75% meat/15%vegetables/10% carbohydrate. Variety is the key to a healthy diet so be sure to vary your meat, carbohydrate and vegetable sources from time to time.

Can dogs eat rice on a raw diet? ›

Raw Feeding Your Dog

Their digestive tracts are uniquely geared to meat–based proteins. They're not meant to eat diets that include starches and grains. All brands of dog biscuits contain corn, soy, wheat or rice. You must also stop bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, kumara, pumpkin etc.

Do vets recommend a raw diet for dogs? ›

The AVMA recognizes public interest in feeding raw diets to dogs and cats. However, the AVMA discourages feeding any raw or undercooked animal-sourced protein (e.g., meat, poultry, fish, egg, milk*) to dogs and cats because of their risk to human and animal health.

Is oatmeal good for dogs? ›

Is Oatmeal Good for Dogs? Plain, cooked oatmeal can be a great addition to your dog's diet. This heart-healthy breakfast is rich in soluble fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins that help support your dog's coat and skin. The high fiber content helps promote digestion and weight management.

Can you cook a raw diet for dogs? ›

The Bond of Nature and Nurture. Raw Pet Food is a diet as nature intended and appropriate to how our dogs and cats would naturally eat in the wild. Can I cook raw pet food? There is no need to cook raw pet food, and in fact, it can be dangerous to do so.

Can I feed my dog raw meat from the supermarket? ›

Yes, dogs can eat raw meat, but giving dogs raw meat only is not advisable. Raw food diets have grown in popularity in recent years. The surge in people embracing raw diets for dogs may stem from pet owners hoping to feed their dogs foods that more closely resemble how the dogs would have eaten in the wild.

What is the cheapest way to feed my dog raw? ›

The most affordable raw dog food option for your pet would be to combine budget-friendly proteins like chicken and beef with bulk purchases of raw dog food, such as the bulk patties and Essential Boxes from We Feed Raw. Additionally, using raw food as a topper or base for dry dog food can help save money.

How many cups of raw dog food should I feed a day? ›

For raw food, it's recommended to feed 2% to 3% of an adult dog's body weight. So if your dog is 25 lbs, that means they'll need 0.5lbs or 8 oz of food a day. The formula is pretty simple math: (Dog's weight) x 0.02 = (food weight).

How much raw meat should a dog eat per day? ›

Here are some general guidelines for feeding your adult dog raw food: Active, underweight adult dogs should eat 3% of their current weight in pounds per day. Senior, less active, overweight adult dogs should eat 1.5% of their current weight in pounds per day.

Is it cheaper to make your own raw dog food? ›

There are good cheap food ingredients available everywhere. Your dog does not need to eat human-quality ingredients, and you do not need to depend on some company to make up his feed for you. In most places, a raw diet can be put together for a lot less than about $1 a day.

Can you cook complete raw dog food? ›

All balanced, complete raw dog food will contain uncooked bone. The cooking process will make the particles of bone much more brittle and can cause a range of possible problems. Fundamentally, raw dog food is made to be fed raw and because of this we would not recommend you cook our Complete or Balance meals.

Should homemade dog food be raw or cooked? ›

Gently cooked fresh food is just as nutritionally sound for your dog, and cuts down pathogen risks dramatically. If you do go with a raw meat dog food, be sure to serve raw meat fresh but well thawed. Dogs don't want to find their dinner frozen in the middle any more than you would!

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.