E-Z French Dressing Recipe - Food.com (2024)


Community Pick

Submitted by Darlene Summers

"Much cheaper to make your own dressing."


E-Z French Dressing Recipe - Food.com (2) E-Z French Dressing Recipe - Food.com (3)

photo by 2Bleu E-Z French Dressing Recipe - Food.com (4)

E-Z French Dressing Recipe - Food.com (5) E-Z French Dressing Recipe - Food.com (6)

E-Z French Dressing Recipe - Food.com (7) E-Z French Dressing Recipe - Food.com (8)

Ready In:


1 cups




  • 12 cup corn oil
  • 12 cup ketchup
  • 14 cup sugar
  • 18 cup white vinegar
  • 18 cup water
  • 12 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 12 teaspoon black pepper
  • 18 teaspoon salt



  • Put all ingredients in blender or food processor; blend until well mixed.

Questions & Replies

E-Z French Dressing Recipe - Food.com (9)

  1. How long can this recipe for E-Z French dressing be stored for safely? Thanks

    Dawn B.


  1. Made this for my husband because we ran out of salad dressing and I had all the ingredients for this on hand. Added in a squeeze of honey and a 1/2 tsp of paprika because it was listed on the ingredients of our favorite French dressing. Turned out great and makes a lot of dressing. Won't have to buy bottled anymore. Thanks!


  2. This is an exact duplicate of the bottled "orange stuff" that my husband really likes. I might have to do a little tinkering to make it a bit healthier, but this cuts out at least half of the chemicals in the bottled stuff so for now I'm happy. I had to whisk by hand since my blender died, and it worked fine (but might have been a tad harder).


  3. Good! I needed some French dressing for a recipe so made a half batch. Quick and easy and made from ingredients on hand. The best part, no creepy chemical ingredients. Thanks for sharing the recipe!


  4. My dad will only eat French Dressing with his salad. I don't eat it. I prefer either Italian or Ranch. So when I was serving salad for Sunday dinner, needless to say - I forgot the French Dressing! I whipped this up and he absolutely loved it. I didn't have white vinegar but used apple cider vinegar instead. Will definitely keep this for future use!

    Lesley Anne

  5. This dressing was good and easy, ( followed it as written) but a little too sweet and thick for me,(maybe I blended it too long?) If I make it again, I would add less sugar, and more water. I did add a little more vinegar to it, after tasting it, but still thought it too sweet,and was leary of adding any more vinegar. Anyway, it's worth tinkering with.


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  1. Add 1 T. Honey and 1t. Paprika – SPOT ON!!!


  2. My dad will only eat French Dressing with his salad. I don't eat it. I prefer either Italian or Ranch. So when I was serving salad for Sunday dinner, needless to say - I forgot the French Dressing! I whipped this up and he absolutely loved it. I didn't have white vinegar but used apple cider vinegar instead. Will definitely keep this for future use!

    Lesley Anne

  3. Very good! I subbed red wine vinegar instead of the regular and cut back the sugar since I think red wine vinegar is sweet. I cut the batch back so I didn't have leftovers of this. I'm going to be making this often since we don't use up bottled dressings fast enough. Thanks for giving us this recipe!

    Becky in Wisconsin

  4. This is delicious - and so easy! i love how i have all ingredients on hand... i used vegetable oil in place of corn oil. I added some leftover dille-mustard dressing and it went perfect together. This is definitely a keeper!

    cUte Kitty pUnk

  5. Good, easy and it makes a lot. I used olive oil instead of corn and increased the water and vinegar to one half cup each. Thanks for the recipe!


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Darlene Summers

Carterville, Illinos

  • 480 Recipes
  • 6 Tweaks

I would like to let you all know that I am no longer able to review your recipes that I have tried. since they changed the site around webtv does not supprt zaars new site.I have a webtv not a computer and webtv does not support the new recipezaar site.so I will no longer be able to review your great recipes,nor will I be able to put my own recipes on here.Please don't think I wouldn't like to review your recipes,it was one of the nice parts of zaar that I did enjoy doing. So please forgive!!! I am Married to the same guy for 40 years,I Have 2 beautiful Daughters, who have given me 6grand and glorious grandchildren.I love to cook,in fact you could call it my favorite hobbyMy pet peeve is telemarketers,Every time I get busy with my recipe hobby one of them will call and knock me off the web,and of coarse I waste precious time getting back on.I am disabled,so I no longer work,and have plenty of time to pursue my hobby.My best dish I make is Lasagna but thats just because I love lasagna.I am also asked to bring No-Bake cookies at all of our potlucks, and linger-longers at church.Meat loaf is another often requested dish I am asked to bring...... NOT MY meatloaf but .... My husbands. He is as good a cook as I am,He can cook anything I can cook, and I can cook anything he can cook,but some things I make better,and some He makes better...So we do a lot of compromising at our house.

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E-Z French Dressing Recipe  - Food.com (2024)
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